Customer Feedback: The Secret Ingredient for F&B Success

Did you know that in the F&B industry, apart from ensuring that service and food quality are maintained, customer feedback plays a crucial role in sustaining business performance? This is because customer feedback can help you enhance your restaurant’s offerings and services. As we all know, customer feedback is a valuable source for improving the […]

Feedback Pelanggan, Penting ke?

Tahukah anda, dalam industri F&B ini, selain daripada memastikan servis dan kualiti makan terjaga, feedback pelanggan juga sebenarnya penting dalam mengekalkan prestasi bisnes. Ini kerana feedback daripada pelanggan boleh membantu anda untuk menambahbaik bisnes kedai makan anda. Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, feedback dari pelanggan adalah sumber untuk meningkatkan ‘dining experience’ pelanggan anda. Feedback pelanggan […]

How to Keep Customers Coming Back to Your Restaurant

Restaurants often find themselves in a never-ending battle to keep customers coming back for more in the ever-expanding realm of the food and beverage industry. With an increasing number of eating options at their fingertips, modern-day customers have complete freedom. But what’s the secret sauce behind those treasured regulars, and why should you cherish them? […]

4 Tips untuk Tarik Pelanggan Datang Semula ke Restoran Anda

Hampir setiap restoran mengalami masalah untuk kekalkan pelanggan datang semula ke kedai mereka. Ini kerana industri F&B ini luas, dan pelanggan mempunyai banyak pilihan. Jadi, jika anda mempunyai pelanggan yang sama kerap datang ke kedai anda, mungkin anda patut hargai mereka. TAPI KENAPA? Mungkin anda pernah dengar bahawa, anda dapat jimatkan kos dengan memastikan seorang […]

Benefits of POS system for F&B staff 2023

Are you still operating your restaurant the conventional way? Physical menu books, paper-based ordering, manual calculation, and abundant stash of sales records. Well, it’s not a crime to do so. But this basic method will cause you more trouble and losses in the long run. Firstly, you can’t update new prices and offer customized promotions […]