13 Must-Have Restaurant Apps to Simplify Your F&B Business

Today, we have the internet to make our lives easier. But, if you are a restaurateur, you have restaurant apps to make your job easier. Never heard of apps that can actually help you do your job at the restaurant? You have been missing out. Hurry up, catch up with us as we reveal to […]
POS System For Restaurant: How This System Can Boost Your Profit

Every business needs a systematic approach to acquire customers, generate sales, manage accounts and many more. Same goes to restaurant owners. You should have at least one system to manage orders, table management and payment. If you are a restaurateur who needs help with your business, POS system for restaurants is what you need. Here […]
12 Government Grants For SME Malaysia You Can Apply

*DISCLAIMER – Slurp! is not providing any grants mentioned below. Grants below are subject to availability from the respective providers and may have been discontinued at the time of you’re reading this. Where to find grants for SME in Malaysia? For some entrepreneurs, they need some money to fund or scale up their businesses. […]
5 Possibilities Of Why Your SME Loan Got Rejected

“I’ve done everything that the application form asked for! Why am I getting rejected for my SME loan?” You are ready to make a leap of faith. Finished with the paperwork and the application forms. Submitted it. And you got rejected. Isn’t it something you want to avoid? Was there something wrong with your loan […]
The Definitive Guide To POS System Malaysia

Aren’t you tired of not being able to keep track of your sales in time? Still manually keeping track of your purchases and it baffles you? Why haven’t you switched to POS System? Is the POS system really that hard to understand that you prefer not to get one? You probably knew about POS system. […]
Food Business Malaysia Checklist: The Ultimate Guide

Starting a food business in today’s environment is tough and you’re going to need some help in looking a cut above the rest. Sure, knowledge in business and operations is a must, but the right approach to getting started is crucial. F&B businesses have come a long way and there’s something for everything – whether […]