The Power of Customer Support Team in a POS System

Nowadays in the vast choices of point-of-sale (POS) systems, a key aspect stands out to Food and Beverages (F&B) merchants: Customer support, or now more widely known as Merchant Success. Quick and responsive support is crucial as F&B in current times depends more and more on POS systems to optimize their operations and to provide […]
Kenapa Support ni penting dalam sistem POS?

Dalam market Point-of-Sale (POS) yang sedang berkembang maju ni, ada satu elemen penting di mana ia merupakan penyebab utama kejayaan untuk kedua-dua pihak POS provider dan merchant iaitu Customer Support atau juga dikenali sebagai Merchant Success. Haa, apa Merchants Success ni? Kenapa mereka penting? Merchant Success ni penting dalam market POS untuk mengekalkan kualiti servis […]