3 Ways to Deal With Picky Eaters

Ways to Deal With Picky Eaters Picky eaters might be one of the toughest customers that your restaurant will need to attend to. They will usually have unique requests that will disrupt the system that you have put in place for your kitchen to ensure a smooth operation. However, it might also be a potential […]
Top 7 Reasons Why Customers Are Avoiding Your Restaurant

Why Customers are Avoiding your Restaurant? Running a restaurant business is already a challenging endeavour. But if you do not know why customers are avoiding your restaurant (sometimes like a plague), your restaurant is doomed to fail before it even starts. Rather than solely blaming your restaurant location, here the most likely reasons why customers […]
6 Must-Have Slurp! Features To Help Grow Your Business

Must-Have Slurp! Features To Help Grow Your Business Have you recently wondered about installing a Point-of-sale (POS) system for your restaurant? Lets just say that you’ve done some research and know a thing or two about POS System. However, you are confuse and need to know more about the features of the POS system that […]
Boost Payment – Your Digital Wallet That is Taking Over Malaysia

Boost Payment – Your Digital Wallet That is Taking Over Malaysia Mobile trend is not a trend, but a movement. With more than half of the world’s population uses a smartphone, more and more brands are seeking for alternatives to penetrate through the consumer’s mobile world. Here’s where digital wallet come into place. Ever since […]
13 Ways an iPad POS Can Increase Your Restaurant’s Productivity

Ways an iPad POS Can Increase Your Restaurant’s Productivity If you are reading this, you are probably wondering whether it is worthy to invest in an iPad POS system for your restaurant. A point-of-sale system is not just another safe place to store your money. There are many features, functions and attributes that can benefit […]
Slurp! Survey 2017 Lucky Winner

Thank you very much to all merchants for your feedback in Slurp! Customer Engagement Survey 2017. We have received many valuable input and suggestions to serve you better. As promised, Slurp had selected one lucky draw winner among the survey participants…… Congratulations to My Story Cafe! for winning a FREE 1-year CLOUD RENEWAL worth RM 1,900 as […]