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Hari Raya: How to Manage Restaurant Staff Schedule

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Hari Raya is almost here and we know how stressful it can be to ensure that you have enough staff on hand to handle the influx of customers. 

That’s why Slurp is here to help you! After reading this blog, you’ll know how to schedule your staff during Hari Raya and other major holidays easily without the risk of being understaffed.

First up, planning ahead is the key! You know the holiday season can get chaotic, so start planning early to keep things under control and prevent understaffing.

 Here are a few things you should focus on when planning your staff schedule:

  1. Identify restaurant peak hours
  2. Provide incentives for holiday shift
  3. Automate restaurant workflow
  4. Communicate with your team


1. Identify restaurant peak hours

This will help you allocate the number of staff needed for respective shifts. You might also want to schedule your high-performing staff to work during the busiest hours, as you trust their ability to handle large crowds.

Pro tip: You can track your customer traffic in real-time using a reliable POS system like Slurp that provides detailed reporting and analytics. That’s how you find your actual busiest hours.

Once you’ve identified the peak time of your restaurant, you can create a schedule that ensures you have enough staff to handle the volume of customers during those times. This will help you to provide excellent customer service and keep your restaurant running smoothly.


2. Provide incentives for holiday shift

As Hari Raya is all about togetherness, working during this time can be a significant sacrifice especially for those who celebrate the holiday with their families. Therefore, provide an incentive for your staff that are working during Hari Raya to show your appreciation towards their dedication in the spirit of festiveness.

Offering incentives can come in many forms, such as bonuses, extra paid time off, or even a catered meal. Providing these benefits not only shows that you care about your employees’ well-being, but it can also motivate them to work harder and be more productive during their shifts.


3. Automate restaurant workflow

During an understaffed situation, most owners tend to hand over multiple tasks to one staff during this time, but this will only lead to burnout. Therefore, automating your restaurant will lift a burden off your team. 

For example, automate the order taking process where your cashier can take and send orders directly to the kitchen in a split second without having to rely on your waiters. This can be done using a reliable POS system like Slurp that connects your whole restaurant in just one tap of the ‘send order’ button. 

Additionally, Slurp POS can also help to reduce the likelihood of errors in order taking and processing. This will lift a burden on your whole team and increase customer satisfaction during the busy time of Hari Raya celebration.


4. Communicate with your team

Lastly, don’t forget to communicate with your team regularly. Let your employees know about any schedule changes, remind them about upcoming shifts, and check in to see how they’re doing. By building a positive and communicative work environment, you can help your team feel valued and motivated, even during busy periods.

We hope those tips are helpful! 

With the right tools and techniques in place, you can make staff scheduling a breeze during Hari Raya and beyond.  So, don’t let staff scheduling stress you out! Slurp is always here to help your restaurant runs smoothly, and that your customers have a great experience, no matter the occasion. 

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