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Slurp! Inventory

Inventory F&B

The Measurement is used to define what type of measurement unit needs to
assign to stock or ingredient.

Large Scale is the scale received from the Supplier.
Equivalence Scale will be used as a scale during assigning Recipe Details.

Note: Any measurement that has been assigned to ingredients will be unable to delete.

Ingredients is used to be assigned to your End Product. This is to track its quantity used for each End Products.

Example: To make Nasi Ayam, you need to use these ingredients;
a. Rice (1 Cup)
b. Chicken (⅛ pieces)
c. Tomato (3 slices)
d. Lettuce (1 slice)

These are the important ingredients which selling the ingredients would be profitable, whereas if we lost the ingredients, it will be a loss for the merchant.

The function of Sync in inventory is to syncing the data including Products, Measurement, Ingredients and etc, from your Franchise to your inventory module.

Slurp Inventory module requires user to create supplier for each inventory activity.


Refer to this video to create the supplier.

Stock Receive is to record the quantity of any received Products or Ingredients from supplier to your inventory. This action will add the current quantity of your Products.

Recipe Details is to assign list of ingredients used for your end products.

Follow the video below for reference: 

Stock Level need to be set to track the low stock, normal stock and ideal stock.

Refer to the video for tutorial

Stock Check is to count the quantity on hand and update in the inventory. This is applicable for stock that is not tally between on hand and the system.

Refer to the video below: